To schedule an audition contact the church office or submit an application below.
For Musicians (how to prepare for the audition):
All musicians must be familiar with the role the click plays in the band. You must be comfortable with using the click. It is the foundation of the song.
Musicians will play through each song at the audition. These songs are listed on the website.
Know rhythm parts
Know all lead parts or simplified yet equivalent parts
Understand when to play and when NOT to play
No music will be allowed at audition. You must KNOW your parts
Bass Players:
Understand the importance of playing in rhythm and locking with the kick drum
Know when to play and when NOT to play
No music will be allowed at audition. You must KNOW your parts
Keys Players:
Know when to play and when NOT to play
Be conscious of different sounds and when it’s appropriate for the use of Organ, EP, Grand, Pad, etc.
No music will be allowed at audition. You must KNOW your parts
Know when to play and when NOT to play
Don’t overplay…keep it simple and hold the band together
Be best friends with the click!
For Vocalists:
Must understand the role the click plays with the band. Use it to your advantage for knowing how to sing with it and as a reference for timing and rhythm.
Must choose one song to sing lead melody and one to sing harmony.
Songs are posted on the website.
Concluding the audition, you will be notified within ONE week with an evaluation of your audition.