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At Element we believe we have a call to both GO to the nations and SEND to the nations!


We have close mission partnerships in Guatemala and South Asia and regularly send teams to those locations to be a part of what God is doing globally.  Interested in learning about an upcoming trip? 

Contact missions pastor Jeremy Jenkins at



We also partner financially each month with missionaries and ministries serving abroad and here in the states to see the Great Commission fulfilled.  A few of those are featured below.  You can also download our mission partner booklet at the link below for more information about our partners! 




Richard & Lauree Hayden

(Global Year)

Richard & Lauree Hayden serve as full time missionaries in Guatemala.  Richard was previously on staff at Element Church.  In Guatemala they minister to local needs, serve as church planters, and lead young people in Global Year's year-long program!


Tony works with Partners International, where he is responsible for writing and producing radio programs in Persian which are broadcast all over the Middle East.

Tony is unable to return to his home country due to persecution, but he continues to work tirelessly to mentor Church leaders and bring the Gospel to his country through radio ministry. He says his greatest prayer, other than the evangelization of his home country, is to return to see it with his own eyes.

Jeff & Angie Sundell

(E3 Partners)

Jeff and Angie are involved with training Church planters and disciple makers all over the world. They have had a large part in mobilizing Churches to create reproducing disciples in countries such as India, Greeze, England, and here in the U.S.

They are currently living overseas part time, raising up Church leaders who can be part of seeing Luke 10:2 come to life, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few...”

Johnny & Natalie Condrey

(Global Year)

Johnny and Natalie have been part of mobilizing hundreds of young people to the nations through their founding of Global Year.

Students are given the opportunity to live overseas for 9-10 months, where they experience hands on missions in various cultures all over the world. Johnny and Natalie founded Global Year with the vision to raise up a generation to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Gary & Karen Griffith

(United World Missions)

Gary and Karen serve with UWM in a variety of ways. Gary travels all over the world training national pastors, seminary students, and Christians in theological studies. Karen trains, disciples, and equips missionaries preparing to go overseas, while while on the field, and she is involved with debriefing missionaries when they come off the field. Through the Griffith's work, they effectively minister in such diverse ways that their reach goes far beyond one country, and has had an impact throughout the whole world!  Gary and Karen are based in California.

Greg & Dana Roberson

Greg and Dana are based in the US, live locally, and are a part of our Element Church family.  Greg serves with Helimission, an organization that provides social, medical and spiritual aid to people in remote and inaccessible areas through air transporation. Greg serves as the International safety manager and often travels overseas to help coordinate projects.   The work they are doing truly has huge eternal impact!

Caleb & Latoya Ives
(Emmaus & Heartcry International)

Caleb and Latoya serve both at the Emmaus School of Biblical Studies, where Caleb overseas teaching students how to study the Bible, and with HeartCry International, where they help train Pastors in Africa and Central America. Along with this, they are gifted worship leaders and serve in their local Church.

Casey & Nastasha Laws (Big Life Ministries)

Casey & Nastasha serve in Peru, where they are part of teaching and training Christians in reproducing discipleship. They are ministering both in urban settings and far unreached settings, amongst tribes who have never heard the Gospel. They are carrying a message that truly can change lives!

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